Weird Habits All ’90s Kids Had

Ah, the ’90s. A decade of flannel shirts, dial-up screeches, and Tamagotchi anxieties. But beneath the surface of Pogs and grunge bands, we ’90s kids cultivated some truly peculiar habits that wouldn’t fly in today’s world. Here’s a trip down memory lane to some of the weirdest things we all did, back when a floppy disk held a universe of information and JNCO jeans were the height of fashion (or something…).

Fruity Fusion Frenzy:

Remember Fruit Roll-Ups? Those sticky rectangles of concentrated sugar weren’t just for snacking. We folded, twisted, and contorted them into giant, multi-flavored monstrosities that defied nature’s intended fruit ratios. And who could forget the art of “huff-huffing,” where we’d blow air through the wrapper’s straw, creating a mini wind tunnel that magically inflated the Roll-Up into a sticky balloon? Ah, the things we did for sugar highs.

Lip Smackers: A Gluttony of Gloss:

’90s lips were perpetually slick with an arsenal of Lip Smackers. These fruity, shimmery wonders weren’t just lip balm; they were status symbols, fashion accessories, and sometimes even currency. We hoarded them like Pokemon cards, swapping flavors and desperately trying to collect the elusive limited editions. And who could resist that satisfying “click” of the opening mechanism? Pure lip-glossed bliss.

Tamagotchi Trauma:

These digital pets were more than just toys; they were tiny digital dependents whose lives rested precariously in our sweaty palms. We fed them pixelated meals, cleaned their virtual poop, and constantly fretted over their happiness bars. The stress of keeping them alive was real, leading to elaborate schedules, whispered pleas to the digital gods, and the occasional “accidental” battery removal when frustration got the better of us. RIP, Digimon: you died from neglect while I was at a Spice Girls concert, I’m so sorry.

Beanie Baby Bonanza:

Remember the Great Beanie Baby Behemoth of ’99? These plush critters weren’t just cuddly companions; they were investment opportunities, status symbols, and the source of fierce playground rivalries. We traded them, hoarded them, and dreamed of striking it rich with a rare Princess the Bear. Even though beanie babies never actually made us millionaires, they taught us a valuable lesson in supply and demand (with a side of plush-toy hoarding, of course).

Mr. Sketch Mania:

These scented markers weren’t just for drawing. They were aromatic weapons of mass destruction, capable of creating noxious clouds of grape, chocolate, and mystery-meat-flavored mayhem. Classrooms became olfactory battlegrounds, desks reeked of dubious scents, and teachers waged war against the fragrant fumes. Mr. Sketch: where art met olfactory assault, one whiff at a time.

Dial-Up Serenades:

The rhythmic squawks and shrieks of a dial-up modem connecting to the internet were the soundtrack of our digital lives. We waited patiently, tapping our feet and humming along to the high-pitched symphony, knowing that each screech brought us closer to the promised land of AOL chat rooms and pixelated gaming. And if the connection dropped? Cue the chorus of groans and frantic modem restarts. The struggle was real, kids.

These are just a few of the weird and wonderful habits that defined our ’90s childhood. They may seem strange in retrospect, but they’re a testament to a time when creativity, boredom, and a healthy dose of sugary snacks fueled our days. So go ahead, pull out your old Lip Smackers, fire up your Tamagotchi, and crank up the dial-up modem. Let’s revisit the weirdness that made us the unique individuals we are today. Just don’t tell anyone about the Fruit Roll-Up balloons. That’s our secret.